Newsletter della scuola e dell'educazione

254. SECONDARIA SBS. Being teachers for a day

254. SECONDARIA SBS. Being teachers for a day

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In questo articolo la prof.ssa Silvia Iacono ci illustra un progetto importante di come gli alunni possano sviluppare competenze e contenuti diventando insegnanti per un giorno: i ragazzi della  1^ Secondaria sono stati invitati a prepare una lezione di grammatica inglese che proporranno ai ragazzi di quarta primaria.


Hello everyone! The sixth-grade classes have been working diligently on an fun project that aims to enhance learning experiences and promote collaboration among students. In this project, the students of 1E are preparing a comprehensive lesson on adjective order, which they will be teaching to the fourth graders next week.

Let's dive into the details and see what they have in store!

Project Overview

The project centers around the concept of adjective order —a fundamental aspect of language development. The goal is to empower the sixth graders by giving them the opportunity to reinforce their understanding of this topic while simultaneously fostering teaching skills. By designing and delivering an engaging lesson, they aim to create a positive and enriching learning experience for their fourth-grade peers.

Learning Objectives

With the sixth-grade students I have outlined a set of core learning objectives that they plan to cover during their lesson. These objectives include:

  1. Understanding the concept of adjective order and its importance in effective communication.
  2. Identifying the different types of adjectives and their appropriate sequence.
  3. Applying the rules of adjective order through engaging activities and examples.
  4. Practicing adjective order in real-life scenarios to solidify comprehension.

Lesson Development

To ensure a well-structured and engaging lesson, the sixth graders have divided themselves into small groups, each responsible for developing a specific aspect of the curriculum. These groups are currently busy creating interactive posters and songs, designing worksheets, and preparing engaging activities. They have also been collaborating with their English teacher, who provides guidance and support throughout the process.

Peer Collaboration

One of the most inspiring aspects of this project is the strong emphasis on peer collaboration. The sixth graders will be conducting mock lessons and peer reviews to refine their teaching techniques. Each of them chose to work on the part of the lesson that was most inspiring to them and all of the groups are constantly sharing ideas and suggestions to make it a truly engaging experience for all the participants.

This event will not only recognize the hard work and achievements of the sixth graders but will also inspire younger students to undertake similar projects in the future.

Stay tuned for updates on this remarkable project as we look forward to hearing about the fourth graders' experience and the invaluable lessons they gain from their older peers. Together, let's continue to support and encourage these young minds as they explore the joys of teaching and learning!


prof.ssa Silvia Iacono, English Literacy Teacher


27 Maggio 2023


Bilingual school

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